Castle game like fallout shelter
Castle game like fallout shelter

There is no need to craft specific items or think about production lines. There is no need give any thought to the specific positioning of the rooms in your fault, beyond keeping your most essential buildings near your power plant in case of emergencies. No options to trade with other players or trade caravans. There are no vault decoration or customization options. Submerged Jared PettyThe experience feels like a solid and somewhat fun foundation for a deeper and better game that just isn’t here (yet). The cheesy lines couples say to one another before obediently heading off-camera to make a baby are a particular highlight. It kept me on my toes and kept me coming back, and so did the constant obscure references to Fallout Lore and amusing (albeit sparse) writing. Every time it feels like you might be getting ahead, a random raider attack, fire, or radroach invasion has the potential to knock your perfectly planned equilibrium out of whack. Do you want your shelter to have clean drinking water, or enough food to eat? Can you scrimp and save for another housing room?

castle game like fallout shelter

The catch is that for the first few days you never feel like you have enough people or enough resources to man every station you need manned, and that shortage creates the interesting decisions of Fallout Shelter. It’s satisfying to get everyone working in the perfect job and see your vault begin humming along.

castle game like fallout shelter

In fact, you can't.Ĭitizens, who are drawn in the signature Fallout Vault Boy art style, are assigned to work in specific factories via simple drag controls, and they earn resources more rapidly if you correctly match a citizen’s stats to the factory in which they work. Things build instantly, but you do have to wait to earn enough Caps to pay for construction - and Fallout Shelter commendably doesn't try to make us to pay to speed things up. The core gameplay loop is easy to understand - as new citizens are born or recruited into your vault, you must dig into a mountain to construct Living Quarters for them to sleep, as well as Water Treatment Plants and Cafeterias to produce their food and water, and Power Plants to keep all these factories operating. What could possibly go wrong when putting us in charge of a vault? In Fallout Shelter’s earliest (and most fun) moments, it turns out the answer is pretty much everything.

Castle game like fallout shelter